This one is for you Giorgio!

Transgender Today

I believe anything is possible.

Growing up in small town Saskatchewan was a blessing I will cherish forever. My childhood consisted of summer nights with neighbourhood friends and games like Kick the Can and Hide and Seek.

There were no prejudices back then. The only qualification for membership was you had to be from the neighbourhood.  We were the Hillside Gang and we ruled the area from Edward Street to King.  We played loud and hard and when the streetlights came on it was my queue to go home.

Winters were different. We still met outside each evening but I was bundled up in my bright yellow space suit. The freedom of running wildly through the neighbourhood ringing door bells and raiding gardens (what? I’ve never done that, sorry mom and dad) was replaced by the beauty of the night sky.

My evenings were filled with skating on the outdoor…

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A large number of people are horrified by what they see as the opposite sex using their public washrooms. Women don’t want biologically male transgender women using the ladies, for some reason they think this puts their children at risk, men think their wives are at risk. At risk of what?

The reverse is also true, men don’t want biologically female transgender men using the men’s room. Why?

As the parent of a transgender child, I have to say people don’t realize what being transgender is, these people are mentally one sex, and physically another, if you don’t suffer with this, great celebrate, and hope your children are like you.

It is not known what causes someone to be transgender, but they are not dangerous, sex perverts out to gawk at your kids in the washroom, or gawk at other men in the washroom,  get over yourselves, they are there for the same reason you are, to use the washroom, wash their hands and leave.

Being transgender is not enjoying dressing as the other sex, they are mentally the other sex, with a body that is alien to them. We all start off as female, a hormone is released that makes some people male. This hormone has to be strong enough to change the baby to become male both physically and mentally, sometime it fails, and no-one should have to go through being in  the wrong body. Transgender people suffer dysphoria, they feel they should have male/female parts that aren’t there, or vice versa.

Be grateful you don’t have to go through this, but at the same time show respect to those who aren’t so lucky.

As for religious beliefs, why would you worship someone who would want you to attack, verbally and unfortunately sometimes physically for any reason. You can’t have it both ways, no offence but if we are all gods children he loves us ALL, if he made us all, he made us the way we are, why would he put people he loves through this, maybe to teach humans a lesson, tolerance maybe? or he messed up big time. You can’t pick and choose what to believe, to have your beliefs only to apply to those you approve off, and not those that don’t fit your idea of NORMAL.



Brussels Explosions

I went on my computer this morning to check email’s etc and just couldn’t believe that Europe had been hit AGAIN.

From the report’s coming out at the moment (of course this could change),  10 dead from two blast’s that went off at the airport, 20 killed from explosions maelbeek metro station. At the time of writing this blog, over 200 were injured.

Again ISIS have claimed credit for this outrageous attack on innocent people. Yes I know because of religious reasons or whatever who they decide to blame this time, they feel justified, but ISIS no longer has an enemy, someone who has wronged them is someway, they are hurting people all over the world, why?  to make a point, hey look, i’m smarter than you, I can go on the internet and build a bomb and kill innocent people, aren’t you jealous, envious scared.

This is a group that claim to speak for all muslims worldwide, not true. Most Muslims don’t agree with them either.

A prosecutor in Brussels  Frederic Van Leeuw has stated that it is too soon to connect this bombings with paris.

According to him their were several terrorist attacks today, 2 in zaventam, one in Malbeck, however this one wounded many.

Like most cowards, they hide behind masks, headdresses, and religious misinformation.

Most muslims are just like the rest of use, with children, elders and siblings just like the rest of us.

The guilty parties for these attacks are ISIS  no muslims. There is no excuse for these attacks on innocent people. They are not even attacking those who can meet their demands, they are going for the general public. Its like the  IRA all over again.

They are also recruiting our young people, to do their bidding.  Shameful. Power is a terrible thing, and is used against the innocent.

They attacks cannot be tolerated.

Love and prays to all in brussels.